`$The Scary Grave /showscreen:grave `n `p `@You enter the Pet Cemetary in the middle of the night. You see an empty grave and you decide to sniff around...`$ /sniffing `@You are such a clumsy dog, you trip and fall into the EMPTY GRAVE! Ouch! That hurts! The grave is very deep. You look around with your little doggie eyes...`$ /looking `p `$Inside the Scary Grave `@You see a dead bird, a spider, and a twig sticking out of the ground. What do you wanna do? `3(`!B`3)`!ark something cool `3(`!E`3)`!at the dead bird `3(`!P`3)`!ull on the twig `3(`!T`3)`!alk to the spider ```$PAW a Key, `g`$! [B,E,P,T] : /getchoice:BEPT /choiceB /oneliner:Grave /goback:`$Inside the Scary Grave /choiceE /goforward:`n`#The Dead Bird Meal /choiceP /goforward:`n`#The Twig in the Ground /choiceT /goforward:`n`#Talking to Charlotte /endchoice /exitquest `n`#The Dead Bird Meal `$You munch on the little dead bird with your powerful jaws. Acch! It tastes terrible! This thing musta done got ripe sitting down here in this empty grave! You start feelin' pretty sick and finally you pass out. When you awake you're BACK WHERE YOU STARTED!`n `p /strength:`o1 /exitquest `n`#The Twig in the Ground `$You grab the twig in your mouth and give it a pull. The twig moves to one side like a switch. The bottom of the grave opens up and you fall into a deep, dark underground cavern. Off in the distance you hear a strange sound. It's sort of a thumping sound and it's getting LOUDER!`n `p `$Suddenly...`d5standing in front of you....`d5is... `#A GIANT ENERGIZER BUNNY!!`$`d5 thump...`d5thump...`d5thump...`n `p /enemyname:Enegizer Bunny /enemyweapon:Loud Drumming /startfight:5 /ranaway /addtonews:`@NEWS FLASH: `3ENERGIZER BUNNY`! beat `3`g `!in the GRAVE! `$Ohhh, too bad. You're afraid of the bad ol' bunny, huh? Well, we sure don't need no chicken doggies around here.`n `p `@GET LOST SCARDIE KAT!!`n `p /exitquest /wonfight /addtonews:`@NEWS FLASH: `3`g `!Beat `3ENERGIZER BUNNY`! in the GRAVE! `$You win the battle and thus ends the.. "1st Quest of the Scary Grave"!`n `@Good job! Have a dog biscuit on me! Hehe!`n `p /wonquest /exitquest `n`#Talking to Charlotte `$You look down at the little spider named Charlotte and say: `@Hey there little spider. Can you help me out of this grave!`n `p `$The little spider looks up at you and says: `@Oh yeah, sure. What do you want me to do? Give you a boost out of here or what?`n `p `$With that, the little spider suddenly jumps on your head! You are so startled, you jump up in the air and land well outside of the grave. You run very fast until you are safely outside of the scary Pet Cemetary!`n `p /exitquest